Der Eberhard-Dodt-Preis, der von einer internationalen Jury jährlich vergeben wird, soll herausragende junge Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen fördern, damit sie sich im Arbeitsfeld der Neuro-Ophthalmologie qualifizieren und Forschungsarbeiten durchführen können.
Neuro-Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft e.V.: Mehr Forschen - Besser Sehen
BW-Bank Tübingen
Konto Nr. 7 469 502 434
BLZ 600 501 01
IBAN DE 80600501017469502434
Vermerk: Zustiftung Eberhard-Dodt-Fonds
Diagnosing hemianopic field defects through the differing generators of the pattern onset and offset VEP
Functional and Structural Insights into Ageing and Alzheimer's Disease in a Murine Model
Blindness following neonatal hypoxia-ischemia: retinal or cortical?
Mitochondrial impairment increases neural vulnerability to stress
The photopic negative response of the flash ERG to broadband and monochromatic stimuli
Retinal function in myopic adults and children
A Laplacian electrode montage detects steady-state VEPs faster than a conventional montage (Oz-Fz) in children over three years old
Visual evoked potentials from paper? Pattern onset cortical responses to a stationary pattern
Effect of atropine on human multifocal electroretinogram responses to defocus
Retina-wide disease and foveal sparing in ABCA4-related retinopathy
Genotype-phenotype correlations in Stargardt disease / ABCA4-related retinopathy
Give and take: the geneticist needs the electrophysiologist but we need the geneticist too
Detecting visual field constriction in patients with retinitis pigmentosa using quantitative OCT analysis
Congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) resulting from lack of rods: The guinea pig model
An indigenous inexpensive new electrode for recording the ERG
X-linked retinitis pigmentosa due to a putative null mutation in the RPGR gene: retinal function phenotype and histopathology
Functional characteristics of East Asian patients with occult macular dystrophy (Miyake’s disease); EAOMD Report No. 2
Weighing ON-OFF pathway contribution to the photopic ERG with the discrete wavelet transform
The characterization of specific retinal phenotype in C1QTNF5-related late onset retinal degeneration
Retinal pathway origins of the pattern ERG (PERG)
The ERG in preterm infants
Visual function in infants with infantile spasms before and during Vigabatrin treatment
Effects of local anaesthetics on light evoked potentials of the in vitro retina
The neonatal development of the light flash visual evoked response